How to have multiple "copy this element" buttons on your Webflow page

This is a sequel to my yesterday's post on "How to create your own Relume Library Ripoff". Please follow these general setup instructions as this is an advanced tutorial to iterate on these principles.

Multi Clipboard Data Buttons on one page for Webflow
Leon Barth
CEO at

(This is an old solution from originally published by Leon Barth on September 12, 2022 at 1:24 pm. Since then, Webflow has made major changes to its internal clipboard data system & BMG has created a revised version of the technique below for its project. Feel free to connect with us on social media to get a better insight into how this technique currently works)


This is a sequel to my yesterday's post on "How to create your own Relume Library Ripoff".
Please follow these general setup instructions as this is an advanced tutorial to iterate on these principles.

Step 1:

Make sure your project set-up looks something like this

Step 2: (Give relevant elements relevant attributes)

Step 2.0

Add this attribute to the collection list or the collection list wrapper

Name: bmg_copy-this
Value: list

Step 2.1

Add this attribute to the button

Name: bmg_copy-this
Value: button

Step 2.2

Add this attribute to the snippet

Name: bmg_copy-this
Value: snippet

Step 3:

Paste this modified script in place of the script from the previous article:

// *** "copy this element" buttons code ***

// Define global values
const $_list = $('[bmg_copy-this="list"]')
const $_buttons = $('[bmg_copy-this="button"]')
const $_snippets = $('[bmg_copy-this="snippet"]')

// Define global strings
const s_item = '.w-dyn-item'

// Define global tracking values
var this_button_has_been_clicked = 0

// Main
$_list.find(s_item).each(function(i) {  

  // Set local variables
  var copyButton = $_buttons[i]
  var codeSnippet = JSON.parse( $_snippets[i].textContent )
  document.addEventListener("copy", (event) => {
    if ( this_button_has_been_clicked !== i ) {
      return // Prevent the code below to fire
    event.clipboardData.setData( "application/json", JSON.stringify(codeSnippet) )     
  copyButton.onclick = function () {    
    this_button_has_been_clicked = i
    copyButton.innerText = "Copied to clipboard"
  function changeButtonText() {
    setTimeout(() => {
      copyButton.innerText = "Copy this element"
    }, 3000)  

}) // End of main

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